Get latest headlines
Retrieves the latest headlines given any topic, country, or language.
The time period for which you want to get the latest headlines. Accepted forms:
: Dailly Form (last 7 days time period),30d
(last 30 days time period)1h
: Hourly Form (last hour),24h
(last 24 hours)
The language you want to search in.
, ar
, bg
, bn
, ca
, cn
, cs
, cy
, da
, de
, el
, en
, es
, et
, fa
, fi
, fr
, gu
, he
, hi
, hr
, hu
, id
, it
, ja
, kn
, ko
, lt
, lv
, mk
, ml
, mr
, ne
, nl
, no
, pa
, pl
, pt
, ro
, ru
, sk
, sl
, so
, sq
, sv
, sw
, ta
, te
, th
, tl
, tr
, tw
, uk
, ur
, vi
The language to exclude from the search results. Inverse to the
, ar
, bg
, bn
, ca
, cn
, cs
, cy
, da
, de
, el
, en
, es
, et
, fa
, fi
, fr
, gu
, he
, hi
, hr
, hu
, id
, it
, ja
, kn
, ko
, lt
, lv
, mk
, ml
, mr
, ne
, nl
, no
, pa
, pl
, pt
, ro
, ru
, sk
, sl
, so
, sq
, sv
, sw
, ta
, te
, th
, tl
, tr
, tw
, uk
, ur
, vi
The countries where the news publisher is located, using the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. Multiple countries can be specified, separated by commas.
The countries to exclude from the search results, using the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. Multiple countries can be specified, separated by commas.
The topic to restrict the articles to.
, sport
, tech
, world
, finance
, politics
, business
, economics
, entertainment
, beauty
, travel
, music
, food
, science
, gaming
The news sources to filter the search, specified in the normal form of the URL.
For example,,
The news sources to exclude from the search, specified as a comma-separated list.
For example,,,
If true, limits the search to sources in the top 1 million online websites.
Unranked sources are assigned a rank of 999999
The number of articles to return per page. Range: [1:100]
1 <= x <= 100
The page number for paginated results. Use it to scroll through the results, as one API response cannot return more than 100 articles.
x >= 1
The response for a successful latest headlines request.
The status of the response.
, No matches for your search.
The total number of hits for the search.
The current page number.
The total number of pages.
The number of results per page.
A list of articles.
The article object.
The user input for a latest headlines request.
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