One place to find documentation, code examples, use cases, FAQ, and knowledge base of NewsCatcher’s News API
NewsCatcher is a data-as-a-service startup that has one main goal: to build the largest database of structured news articles published online. In other words, we’re like Google for the news part of the web, which you can access as a source of data.
We’re not just a classic data provider selling data dumps. We’re also a search engine. We’re the best at indexing news articles. You can search through millions of news articles in under a second!
News API v2
Long story short, our web crawlers find over 1 million news articles in various languages from all over the globe each day. Then, our algorithms clean and normalize articles from different websites to a standard form.
So this article: https://www.techradar.com/news/tesla-model-x-vs-tesla-model-y is transformed into a structured JSON object:
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