Get latest headlines
Retrieves the latest headlines given any topic, country, or language.
Query Parameters
Specifies the languages of the search. For example: en
The only accepted format is ISO 639-1 — 2 letter code.
, ar
, bg
, bn
, ca
, cn
, cs
, cy
, da
, de
, el
, en
, es
, et
, fa
, fi
, fr
, gu
, he
, hi
, hr
, hu
, id
, it
, ja
, kn
, ko
, lt
, lv
, mk
, ml
, mr
, ne
, nl
, no
, pa
, pl
, pt
, ro
, ru
, sk
, sl
, so
, sq
, sv
, sw
, ta
, te
, th
, tl
, tr
, tw
, uk
, ur
, vi
Inverse to the lang
, ar
, bg
, bn
, ca
, cn
, cs
, cy
, da
, de
, el
, en
, es
, et
, fa
, fi
, fr
, gu
, he
, hi
, hr
, hu
, id
, it
, ja
, kn
, ko
, lt
, lv
, mk
, ml
, mr
, ne
, nl
, no
, pa
, pl
, pt
, ro
, ru
, sk
, sl
, so
, sq
, sv
, sw
, ta
, te
, th
, tl
, tr
, tw
, uk
, ur
, vi
Countries where the news publisher is located.
One or multiple countries can be used in the search.
The only acceptable format is ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
For example, US,CA,MX
or just US
Important: This parameter is not responsible for the countries mentioned in the news article.
The inverse of the countries
The topic to which you want to restrict the articles of your choice. Not all news articles are assigned with a topic, therefore, we cannot guarantee that 100% of topics talking about technology will be assigned a tech label.
, sport
, tech
, world
, finance
, politics
, business
, economics
, entertainment
, beauty
, travel
, music
, food
, science
, gaming
One or more news resources to filter your search. It should be the normal form of the URL,
For example:,
One or more sources to be excluded from the search.
Comma-separated list. For example:,,
The time period you want to get the latest headlines for.
Accepted forms:
: Dailly Form (last 7 days time period),30d
(last 30 days time period)1h
: Hourly Form (last hour),24h
(last 24 hours)
Default: The number of historic data available for your subscription plan
Default: True
Limit the search only for the sources which are in the top 1 million online websites. Unranked sources are assigned a rank that equals 999999
How many articles to return per page.
1 <= x <= 100
The number of the page. Use it to scroll through the results. This parameter is used to paginate: scroll through results because one API response cannot return more than 100 articles.
x >= 1
The response for a successful latest headlines request.
The status of the response.
, No matches for your search.
The total number of hits for the search.
The current page number.
The total number of pages.
The number of results per page.
A list of articles.
The article object.
The user input for a latest headlines request.
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