Retrieve latest headlines
Retrieves the latest headlines for the specified time period. You can filter results by language, country, source, and more.
The time period for which you want to get the latest headlines.
Format examples:
: Last seven days30d
: Last 30 days1h
: Last hour24h
: Last 24 hours
If true, the from_
and to_
parameters use article parse dates instead of published dates. Additionally, the parse_date
variable is added to the output for each article object.
The language(s) of the search. The only accepted format is the two-letter ISO 639-1 code. To select multiple languages, use a comma-separated string or an array of strings.
["en", "es"]
To learn more, see Enumerated parameters > Language.
["en", "es"]
The language(s) to exclude from the search. The accepted format is the two-letter ISO 639-1 code. To exclude multiple languages, use a comma-separated string or an array of strings.
["fr", "de"]
To learn more, see Enumerated parameters > Language.
["fr", "de"]
The countries where the news publisher is located. The accepted format is the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code. To select multiple countries, use a comma-separated string or an array of strings.
["US", "CA"]
To learn more, see Enumerated parameters > Country.
["US", "CA"]
The publisher location countries to exclude from the search. The accepted format is the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code. To exclude multiple countries, use a comma-separated string or an array of strings.
["UK", "FR"]
To learn more, see Enumerated parameters > Country.
["UK", "FR"]
Predefined top news sources per country.
Format: start with the word top
, followed by the number of desired sources, and then the two-letter country code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. Multiple countries with the number of top sources can be specified as a comma-separated string or an array of strings.
"top 100 US"
"top 33 AT"
"top 50 US, top 20 GB"
["top 50 US", "top 20 GB"]
["top 50 US", "top 20 GB"]
One or more news sources to narrow down the search. The format must be a domain URL. Subdomains, such as
, are also acceptable. To specify multiple sources, use a comma-separated string or an array of strings.
["", ""]
["", ""]
The news sources to exclude from the search. To exclude multiple sources, use a comma-separated string or an array of strings.
["", ""]
["", ""]
The list of author names to exclude from your search. To exclude articles by specific authors, use a comma-separated string or an array of strings.
"John Doe, Jane Doe"
["John Doe", "Jane Doe"]
["John Doe", "Jane Doe"]
If true, limits the search to sources ranked in the top 1 million online websites. If false, includes unranked sources which are assigned a rank of 999999.
If true, only returns articles that were posted on the home page of a given news domain.
If true, returns only opinion pieces. If false, excludes opinion-based articles and returns news only.
If false, returns only articles that have publicly available complete content. Some publishers partially block content, so this setting ensures that only full articles are retrieved.
The categorical URL(s) to filter your search. To filter your search by multiple categorical URLs, use a comma-separated string or an array of strings.
["", ""]
["", ""]
The complete URL(s) mentioned in the article. For multiple URLs, use a comma-separated string or an array of strings.
["", ""]
For more details, see Search by URL.
"string-input": {
"summary": "Comma-separated string",
"value": ","
"array-input": {
"summary": "Array of strings",
"value": [
The domain(s) mentioned in the article. For multiple domains, use a comma-separated string or an array of strings.
["", ""]
For more details, see Search by URL.
"string-input": {
"summary": "Comma-separated string",
"value": ","
"array-input": {
"summary": "Array of strings",
"value": ["", ""]
The minimum number of words an article must contain. To be used for avoiding articles with small content.
x >= 0
The maximum number of words an article can contain. To be used for avoiding articles with large content.
x >= 0
The page number to scroll through the results. Use for pagination, as a single API response can return up to 1,000 articles.
For details, see How to paginate large datasets.
x >= 1
The number of articles to return per page.
1 <= x <= 1000
Determines whether to group similar articles into clusters. If true, the API returns clustered results.
To learn more, see Clustering news articles.
Specifies which part of the article to use for determining similarity when clustering. Possible values are:
: Uses the full article content (default).title
: Uses only the article title.summary
: Uses the article summary.
To learn more, see Clustering news articles.
, title
, summary
Sets the similarity threshold for grouping articles into clusters. A lower value creates more inclusive clusters, while a higher value requires greater similarity between articles.
For example:
: Results in larger, more diverse clusters.0.6
: Balances cluster size and article similarity (default).0.9
: Creates smaller, tightly related clusters.
To learn more, see Clustering news articles.
0 < x <= 1
If true, includes an NLP layer with each article in the response. This layer provides enhanced information such as theme classification, article summary, sentiment analysis, tags, and named entity recognition.
The NLP layer includes:
- Theme: General topic of the article.
- Summary: A concise overview of the article content.
- Sentiment: Separate scores for title and content (range: -1 to 1).
- Named entities: Identified persons (PER), organizations (ORG), locations (LOC), and miscellaneous entities (MISC).
- IPTC tags: Standardized news category tags.
- IAB tags: Content categories for digital advertising.
Note: The include_nlp_data
parameter is only available if NLP is included in your subscription plan.
To learn more, see NLP features.
If true, filters the results to include only articles with an NLP layer. This allows you to focus on articles that have been processed with advanced NLP techniques.
Note: The has_nlp
parameter is only available if NLP is included in your subscription plan.
To learn more, see NLP features.
Filters articles based on their general topic, as determined by NLP analysis. To select multiple themes, use a comma-separated string or an array of strings.
"Finance, Tech"
["Finance", "Tech"]
Note: The theme
parameter is only available if NLP is included in your subscription plan.
To learn more, see NLP features.
Available options: Business
, Economics
, Entertainment
, Finance
, Health
, Politics
, Science
, Sports
, Tech
, Crime
, Financial Crime
, Lifestyle
, Automotive
, Travel
, Weather
, General
["Business", "Finance"]
Inverse of the theme
parameter. Excludes articles based on their general topic, as determined by NLP analysis. To exclude multiple themes, use a comma-separated string or an array of strings.
"Crime, Tech"
["Crime", "Tech"]
Note: The not_theme
parameter is only available if NLP is included in your subscription plan.
To learn more, see NLP features.
Filters articles that mention specific organization names, as identified by NLP analysis. To specify multiple organizations, use a comma-separated string or an array of strings.
"Apple, Microsoft"
["Apple", "Microsoft"]
Note: The ORG_entity_name
parameter is only available if NLP is included in your subscription plan.
To learn more, see Search by entity.
["Apple", "Microsoft"]
Filters articles that mention specific person names, as identified by NLP analysis. To specify multiple names, use a comma-separated string or an array of strings.
"Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos"
["Elon Musk", "Jeff Bezos"]
Note: The PER_entity_name
parameter is only available if NLP is included in your subscription plan.
To learn more, see Search by entity.
["Elon Musk", "Jeff Bezos"]
Filters articles that mention specific location names, as identified by NLP analysis. To specify multiple locations, use a comma-separated string or an array of strings.
"California, New York"
["California", "New York"]
Note: The LOC_entity_name
parameter is only available if NLP is included in your subscription plan.
To learn more, see Search by entity.
["California", "New York"]
Filters articles that mention other named entities not falling under person, organization, or location categories. Includes events, nationalities, products, works of art, and more. To specify multiple entities, use a comma-separated string or an array of strings.
"Bitcoin, Blockchain"
["Bitcoin", "Blockchain"]
Note: The MISC_entity_name
parameter is only available if NLP is included in your subscription plan.
To learn more, see Search by entity.
["Bitcoin", "Blockchain"]
Filters articles based on the minimum sentiment score of their titles.
Range is -1.0
to 1.0
, where:
- Negative values indicate negative sentiment.
- Positive values indicate positive sentiment.
- Values close to 0 indicate neutral sentiment.
Note: The title_sentiment_min
parameter is only available if NLP is included in your subscription plan.
To learn more, see NLP features.
-1 <= x <= 1
Filters articles based on the maximum sentiment score of their titles.
Range is -1.0
to 1.0
, where:
- Negative values indicate negative sentiment.
- Positive values indicate positive sentiment.
- Values close to 0 indicate neutral sentiment.
Note: The title_sentiment_max
parameter is only available if NLP is included in your subscription plan.
To learn more, see NLP features.
-1 <= x <= 1
Filters articles based on the minimum sentiment score of their content.
Range is -1.0
to 1.0
, where:
- Negative values indicate negative sentiment.
- Positive values indicate positive sentiment.
- Values close to 0 indicate neutral sentiment.
Note: The content_sentiment_min
parameter is only available if NLP is included in your subscription plan.
To learn more, see NLP features.
-1 <= x <= 1
Filters articles based on the maximum sentiment score of their content.
Range is -1.0
to 1.0
, where:
- Negative values indicate negative sentiment.
- Positive values indicate positive sentiment.
- Values close to 0 indicate neutral sentiment.
Note: The content_sentiment_max
parameter is only available if NLP is included in your subscription plan.
To learn more, see NLP features.
-1 <= x <= 1
Filters articles based on International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) media topic tags. To specify multiple IPTC tags, use a comma-separated string or an array of strings.
"20000199, 20000209"
["20000199", "20000209"]
Note: The iptc_tags
parameter is only available if tags are included in your subscription plan.
To learn more, see IPTC Media Topic NewsCodes.
["20000199", "20000209"]
Inverse of the iptc_tags
parameter. Excludes articles based on International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) media topic tags. To specify multiple IPTC tags to exclude, use a comma-separated string or an array of strings.
"20000205, 20000209"
["20000205", "20000209"]
Note: The not_iptc_tags
parameter is only available if tags are included in your subscription plan.
To learn more, see IPTC Media Topic NewsCodes.
["20000205", "20000209"]
Filters articles based on Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) content categories.These tags provide a standardized taxonomy for digital advertising content categorization. To specify multiple IAB categories, use a comma-separated string or an array of strings.
"Business, Events"
["Business", "Events"]
Note: The iab_tags
parameter is only available if tags are included in your subscription plan.
To learn more, see the IAB Content taxonomy.
["Business", "Events"]
Inverse of the iab_tags
parameter. Excludes articles based on Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) content categories. These tags provide a standardized taxonomy for digital advertising content categorization. To specify multiple IAB categories to exclude, use a comma-separated string or an array of strings.
"Agriculture, Metals"
["Agriculture", "Metals"]
Note: The not_iab_tags
parameter is only available if tags are included in your subscription plan.
To learn more, see the IAB Content taxonomy.
["Agriculture", "Metals"]
Filters articles based on provided taxonomy that is tailored to your specific needs and is accessible only with your API key. To specify tags, use the following pattern:
, wheretaxonomy
is the taxonomy name andTag1,Tag2,Tag3
are comma-separated tags. For POST requests, you can also specify tags as an array of strings.
custom_tags.industry="Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Logistics"
"custom_tags.industry": ["Manufacturing", "Supply Chain", "Logistics"]
To learn more, see the Custom tags.
["Tag1", "Tag2", "Tag3"]
The response model for the search requests applies to the Search
, Latest Headlines
, Search by link
, and Authors
endpoints. Response field behavior:
- Required fields are guaranteed to be present and non-null.
- Optional fields may be
if the data couldn't be extracted during processing. - To access article properties in the
response array, use array index notation. For example,articles[n].title
, wheren
is the zero-based index of the article object (0, 1, 2, etc.). - The
property within the article objectarticles[n].nlp
is only available with NLP-enabled subscription plans.
The status of the response.
The total number of articles matching the search criteria.
The current page number of the results.
The total number of pages available for the given search criteria.
The number of articles per page.
A list of articles matching the search criteria.
The data model representing a single article in the search results.
The user input parameters for the request.
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